Imprint Information
Black, Blue 072, Brown 464, Brown 469, Burgundy, Copper, Dark Red, Dark Yellow, Emerald Green, Forest Green, Gold 874, Green 347, Magenta, Medium Blue, Orange, Orange 021, Pantone Blue, Pantone Green, Pantone Purple, Pantone Violet, Pantone Yellow, Process Blue, Process Yellow, Purple, Red 032, Red 185, Reflex Blue, Rubine Red, Scarlet Red, Silver 877, Teal, Warm Red, White, Yellow 109
2"" x 1""
Artwork & Proofs
Paper Proof (No Charge unless changes need to be made.), Art Services (Per hour for recreations, touch-ups and corrections to supplied art.), Typesetting
Artwork & Proofs : Paper Proof (No Charge unless changes need to be made.)
Proof Charge
Upcharge Details: Per hour.
You may order less than the minimum quantity
Artwork & Proofs : Art Services (Per hour for recreations, touch-ups and corrections to supplied art.)
Artwork Charge
Upcharge Details: Per hour.
You may order less than the minimum quantity
Artwork & Proofs : Typesetting
Typesetting Charge
Upcharge Details: N/A
You may order less than the minimum quantity